Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


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Monday, March 22, 2010

House Passes Health Care Bill on 219-212 Vote

So our world has changed dramatically, and continues to change since from about 9 years ago dating back to 9/11/01.

Now we have the beginning of a reformed health care system in the midst of a bad economy, two wars, and history taking a turn for the worst as far as fighting racial issues in this country. Just so that you know, the health reform bill was passed yesterday in a 219-212 vote after more than a year of a tumultuous partisan debate. All 178 Republicans opposed it, as well as 34 Democrats. Where do you stand with this new bill? Are you pulling a ya or nay?

I've had this debate with many of my friends and I find that my circle is split down the middle of either supporting or opposing the bill. Keep in mind that the current health care system is far from perfect, which I don't think any system is perfect. I mean if you have Medicaid, Medicare, or another government funded health insurance, you'll find that they do not cover a lot of health costs and you may experience a lot of denials. Or if you have a private insurer, you may experience them charging you literally out of your a#@. Not to mention, the very insurance companies put into place to help those in need, are monopolizing off of the public's' money.

Some argue that this bill will not decrease the national debt and will increase government spending of tax dollars, further burdening, as you know it, "We The People". Which, in return, comes in full circle further leaving the poor even more dependent and using the government as a permanent crutch. Isn't this bill suppose to provide the middle ground for the two extremities? Creating a more affordable health insurance for everyone, while providing better health care for the majority, without affecting those who currently pays for premium insurance plans?? Do you think it's fair to impose such a burden on those making a certain income to pay for the funding of this new plan??? You make your decision. Below are websites and important facts about this bill.. Tell me what you think..Whether you care or not, YOU ARE BEING AFFECTED! Be smart, get involved, know what is about to change YOUR LIFE!

 **CBO: Congressional Budget Office (Nonpartisan)
"The plan, according to CBO projections, will cut budget deficits by over $1 trillion in its second decade.

It will subsidize insurance for a family of four making up to roughly $88,000 annually, or 400 percent of the federal poverty level.

It also creates a series of health insurance exchanges designed to make it easier for small businesses, the self-employed and the unemployed to pool resources and purchase less expensive coverage.

Medicaid will be significantly expanded, ensuring coverage to those earning up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or just over $29,000 for a family of four.

The bill cuts projected Medicare spending by roughly $500 billion, in part through reductions in the Medicare Advantage program. Democratic leaders have promised the reductions will not affect service to Medicare recipients.

The bill hikes Medicare payroll takes on families making more than $250,000. Starting in 2013, it also imposes a 40 percent tax on insurance companies providing expensive "Cadillac" health plans valued at more than $8,500 for individuals and $23,000 for families."

Guess Who Has the Highest Medical Claim Rejection Rate?

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