Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


lol ENJOY... I think I was like 13 years old. What can I say bad from mi youttt!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Director: Sanaa Hamri
Cast: Queen Latifah, Leslie Wright, Common, Scott McKnight, Paula Patton, Phylicia Rashad

So Spring is coming to a close and Summer is pretty much here. Oh the love and the romance is definitely in the air? 

What is better than to start the season off with a flick appealing to the young and old, men and women and especially sports fans. This "Cinderella-like," light-hearted film, pokes fun at the stereotypes surrounded by star athletes, pampered dimes and hard-working women-friends.  Who said love was perfect?

Scott McKnight (Common), a NJ Nets star, runs into Leslie Wright (Queen Latifah), ironically at a gas station in NYC and invites her to his birthday party. There, Leslie's gold-digging God-sister/ friend, Morgan (Paula Patton), bags Scott and becomes engaged until - of course- Scott has a crippling accident on the court, placing his NBA career in a questionable state. Leslie is hired as his personal rehabilitation trainer and you can pretty much guess the rest.

Queen Latifah's radiance and glow graces the screen while a snippet of Common's obvious musical talent woos the audience. I must say their love scene was surprising and comical, considering their characters are not a likely match in a "perfect" world. Whoops! did I just let the cat out the bag? lol. I must say, Paula Patton's character, Morgan played the role of the stunning gold-digger quite well, though the script seems to make her character innocent and gives it a slight slap on the wrist.

Pam Grier plays as Leslie’s mother and Phyicia Rashad plays as Scott’s. The duo played their roles as expected. I personally would have liked to see the former "Foxy Brown" badass and the lovable wife and mother of the Cosby Show, act in more scenes. On the contrary, with the majority of the film focused on just Scott's and Leslie's unlikely companionship, the movie evoked a clear message ..."Beauty is only skin deep."

So on a scale of 1 - 10... I give the movie a 7. The acting was ok. I enjoyed it and who doesn't like The Queen! The film is rated PG and approx. 101 minutes. Go ahead and see it!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gatorade - Revolution Ad

This commercial is genius! It's Gatorade 2010 and the theme is 'EVOLVE'. This new Gatorade Recover 03 is the first recover and carbohydrate drink, consisting of muscle recovery benefits after working out. It is also an incredible thirst quencher. If you want to learn more go to

The commercial has a great theme, considering it's pretty much the message in today's society, which screams change and evolve. For example, in an athletic aspect Usain Bolt broke world records of both 100 m and 200 m events at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics for Jamaica. From a political aspect, that following November, President Barack Obama won the Presidential General Election against Republican John McCain. He is our first black President. So if you want to remain in the race, you have to be willing to evolve! Charles Darwin explained it the best in his evolution theories lol. 

The song was written and produced by David Banner, the track sung by Kermit Quinn, member of Blackstreet R&B group.

The commercial's cast includes famous athletes such as, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Mia Hamm, Serena Williams, Kevin Garnett, Dwight Howard, Usain Bolt, and Peyton Manning.

The chorus' message is clear and concise,

"The only solution, evolve
If you want a revolution
The only solution, evolve
If you gettin' off track
And you wanna get back
May take a lot of work
Won't break your back
If you want a revolution
The only solution, evolve" 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Education Means Emancipation" President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama delivers Commencement Address at Hampton University's 140th Annual Commencment.

As a young student of Cambria Center for the Gifted Child, in Queens, New York, I distinctively remember the the first sentence of the school's pledge. I recited it every day with my classmates, "Education is the key which unlocks the door, to guide us through life forever more..." On Sunday, May 9, 2010, I had the opportunity to witness an event so epic in not only Hampton University's history but American History.

As I hurriedly walked passed lines of family and friends of this year's graduates, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety and pride. The dreams and aspirations of every student who've attended Hampton University, my alma mater, were founded here. A familiar feeling of exhiliration rushed through me while seeing proud students line up to graduate, on that Mother's Day. There were expectations of chaos and somewhat uncontrollable crowds due to this year's special speaker. To my surprise, it was quite the opposite. The lines literally fell out of the confinements of Hampton University's campus and people smoothly went through metal detectors, a symbol of the times we currently live in.

Sitting with the press in the middle of the field, I was able to see all angles of the stadium, spotting Special Agents and security personnel. There were located on the roofs, above the stage, at the gates, and most likely, in places not publicly visible. Finally, HU's famed concert choir serenaded the crowds of people, anticipating not only the graduates but the President himself.

President Obama had finally walked out on stage to speak and the crowds became ecstatic with emotion, roaring with cheers and uncontrollable clapping.  President Obama began thanking the audience, especially all the mothers. He then thanked HU for allowing him to share such a special occasion. "Education means emancipation...," the phrase spoken by President Obama, which would forever ring in the ears of all Americans. He then explained that this has been a theme in American History throughout every war up to the wars we are facing now. Our economy is facing the "worst crisis since the Great Depression" and the world is still rebounding through economic crises. Education has always been necessary to "meet the challenges of the changing world." To survive such transitions, we as a people, need to change as well, with preparation and education as armors. Like the theme of President Obama's presidential campaign, change has and will always be evident.

President Obama then charged graduates to be role models for upcoming youth and lead them to break even more boundaries untouched. This is much needed, considering unemployment is "over twice as high with those without a college degree or more" in our current economy. There is hope of our economy progressing but time has shown that our nation's economy fluctuates. President Obama also noted the following:

  • Globally, "in 8th grade science and math... American students are ranked about 10th overall compared to top performing countries."
  • "African Americans are ranked behind more than 20 nations...lower than nearly every other developed country."
In Conclusion...   
(Scroll down for Pictures and Video)
    It is our job, as Americans, to make sure every child receives a proper education. Especially if we are willing to compete globally and be ahead of other nations in all aspects. This is crucial for not only our economy as a whole, but security as well. A great tribute was made to Dr. Dorothy Height, who was not only an American, but a pioneer who broke racial barriers in order to receive a college education. If she could break down these thresholds and continue the fight to be emancipated through education, we as Americans, some of us of color, female, male, gay or straight... no matter what is said to be a "limitation", we have the POWER to change and use education to its full potential.

    To view the entire speech click here:

    Here a slideshow of pictures I've taken:

    ENJOY! :0)



    Total # of Graduates:    1072

    Total # receiving undergraduate degrees:    866

    Total # receiving graduate degrees:    111
    Total # receiving professional degrees:    95

    Number of undergraduates graduating with honors:    496


    Sunday, May 9, 2010

    The Decision Is Yours...

    The decision is yours to make a difference, whether you choose to live for self or for others..

    Its entirely up to you to make such a decision. Just know that everything is connected and whatever decision you make affects someone else directly or indirectly, whether you choose to live selfishly or for humanity. So choose wisely. The next step is the path to your Destiny. You don't know the outcome so take yourself outside of the box, and realize that tomorrow is not promised. Live every day like it's your last but be sure to leave your legacy and pave the way for others to follow. Make sure you set yourself up and be smart so that you have a promising future. Nothing comes easy and most things that come easy are not worth having. Lead a path so tomorrow's leaders have a blueprint to go by if they become lost.

    Recognize the three P's in your daily routine of life: Potential Power you Posess
    Though it is your choice, it is your responsibility to understand the potential power you possess, to lead many astray or on the right path. Whether you know it or not, we are all connected through body, mind, and spirit. Break out of old habits the Time Is Now! Open your eyes, minds, and spirits to what is beautiful in the world around you.. Simultaneously, acknowledge the devastations, the tragedies, and the pain those are suffering. Wake up rejoice that you are able to breathe once more..There are so many who aren't granted the same opportunities. Use your blessings to help will be blessed abundantly!

    If you want change to occur you must first start with yourself. Take a look inside and find the confidence to change for the better. No one is perfect, everyone have flaws yet that is no excuse to have the desire to change. Change is constant and change is a sign of growth. Do not be afraid to take it by the horns and ride it out until the end! It is up to  you to live everyday like it's  your Death or live everyday like it's a NEW BEGINNING...REBIRTH in your own right!

    Peace Be With You.

    Malika the Pen Holder

    Thursday, May 6, 2010


    So Ja Rule is making a come back. Where did he go? you may ask. Great question, well I guess hiding ever since 50 kicked him off his pedestal. Well this is his new joint 'The Life'. What you think he should sit down or this is the time to take back what he lost?

    Wednesday, May 5, 2010

    'Why Don't You Love Me' Video

     Beyoncé's World Premier of her brand new video, 'Why Don't You Love Me', aired for the first time yesterday on her Vimeo Page. 

    B creatively stars as "B.B. Homemaker" in a classic American television style video, portraying a woman who is haunted by a unappreciative husband.  This new 50's approach is quite amusing, sexy, and full of drama! What you think, do you like the new B?

    "Why Don't You Love Me" - Beyoncé from Beyoncé on Vimeo.

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010


    The New Face Of Fashion??? LOL

    We all know who the NBA heart-throb of L.A. is, but is he the new face of fashion?

    Yes, Kobe Bryant was interviewed and featured for this month's issue of Los Angeles Times Magazine. Tom Murray, writer, reveals a side of Kobe Bryant that media generally does show interest in. Murray begins describing him as "the basketballer is a category unto himself".

    Kobe Bryant was decked out in designer all whites', celebratory of the spring/summer season. 

    Here's the first pic...what do you think? "Haaayyyy!" *Snap Fingers...just playing we love you Kobe!

    Read for yourself & see more pics:

    Sunday, May 2, 2010

    "Call Me" - Joell Ortiz feat. Novel

    To piggy back off of Charles Hamilton's joint below... I love this song/video. Joell Ortiz did it with this one! Reminiscing? lol.

    Charles Hamilton- In Case I Actually Get Her (W/ Lyrics)

    Many of us have experience a time during immaturity of meeting perhaps our soul mates. Things happen and the two grows up to live complete separate lives. Only to realize later on that we could have and still may be "soul mates". I have to personally thank my friend for this one...

    With this thought in mind, Charles Hamilton hit it straight on the nose. Say what you want but Charles Hamilton is definitely different from many of the talent out there in the Hip Hop World. Like him or dislike him you have no choice but to acknowledge his unique art. Below is an interview with a DJ - Dj Skee- February 13, 2009. Hamilton talks about what his mixtape is about and goes into depth about the, at the time, exclusive "Well Isn't This Awkward"...

    "Well Isn't This Awkward"