Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Decision Is Yours...

The decision is yours to make a difference, whether you choose to live for self or for others..

Its entirely up to you to make such a decision. Just know that everything is connected and whatever decision you make affects someone else directly or indirectly, whether you choose to live selfishly or for humanity. So choose wisely. The next step is the path to your Destiny. You don't know the outcome so take yourself outside of the box, and realize that tomorrow is not promised. Live every day like it's your last but be sure to leave your legacy and pave the way for others to follow. Make sure you set yourself up and be smart so that you have a promising future. Nothing comes easy and most things that come easy are not worth having. Lead a path so tomorrow's leaders have a blueprint to go by if they become lost.

Recognize the three P's in your daily routine of life: Potential Power you Posess
Though it is your choice, it is your responsibility to understand the potential power you possess, to lead many astray or on the right path. Whether you know it or not, we are all connected through body, mind, and spirit. Break out of old habits the Time Is Now! Open your eyes, minds, and spirits to what is beautiful in the world around you.. Simultaneously, acknowledge the devastations, the tragedies, and the pain those are suffering. Wake up rejoice that you are able to breathe once more..There are so many who aren't granted the same opportunities. Use your blessings to help will be blessed abundantly!

If you want change to occur you must first start with yourself. Take a look inside and find the confidence to change for the better. No one is perfect, everyone have flaws yet that is no excuse to have the desire to change. Change is constant and change is a sign of growth. Do not be afraid to take it by the horns and ride it out until the end! It is up to  you to live everyday like it's  your Death or live everyday like it's a NEW BEGINNING...REBIRTH in your own right!

Peace Be With You.

Malika the Pen Holder

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