Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Monday, July 19, 2010

Cold Thoughts...

All I need is a track to mirror what I'm feeling
No need to re-enact the past cuz the present is what saved me.

I can't help the remnants of the past --
memories still haunt me.

I used to like fading to black, 
mix that henny that jack... don't judge me.

I ain't even made it yet,
Yet it's hard to trust those surrounding me.

I can't imagine blowing up and have the posers try to love me.
It's sad when the haters, the snakes, they're close like family.

It' hurts when they, like snakes, are in your own family...
How can you tell the difference when love for fam runs so deep...

Damn, I can't help but I hold them close to me..
Try to show nothing but love, like what's the reasoning?

I guess that's why our bills say "In God We Trust," our world revolves around it.
Maybe that's why I, like many others, have love for money....

In that way, separate emotions, heart bound no mistaken illusions, I try to believe.
No need to look to others for a sense of comfortablity.

Even though it may be important to maintain some sort of sensibility,
Sounds like a life of lonely, rolling dolo, not apart of a team.

So in conclusion, Eff people...
God and money Imma focus on truly.

Used to wonder how he did it, but now I understand how cold seems the only way to be...

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