Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Color of Love

I've lost my spark
I'm passionate yet I've lost the ark
to take me away
Wading in an ocean of emotions
Further down in an abyss I stay.

This beam of light diminishes
as the anchor draws me deeper... away,
In many ways I look at this and say
It's the story of love we once shared
and now this day...

There is no longer, just what was...
A beautiful color turned to gray.
I'd hate to think it was a mistake
No regrets all decisions made I'll claim.

My heart, I feel I must train.
Yet I have visions of a perfect love
everlasting it will no longer fade.
His distance I feel, a name not known,
But in my heart it's engraved.

Perhaps love knows
before we were even made
Love is a funny entity
not quite logical
inheriting an infamous fame

Love, a funny thing really.
Embodies red, purples, greens
yellows, blues in every hue
Revealing beauty and darkness
in each and every ray

Looking for that white dove
to lead the way.
The purest of all shades
reflecting all colors
in every which way.

Can you withstand the rain
the downpour
all of it can you take?
Can you keep love before it
turns to gray?

Love waits for no one
With love...
There is no second, minute
or day.

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