Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do You Think I Should Call It DESTINY???

As time flies by I'm wondering why my peace of mind, stagnant waiting for a break in the silver lines that separates me from the heavens and the blessings in the sky.

I'm wondering why my break hasn't come but I know it's in formation..Faith, the basis for my rule of thumb...guiding me through the desert to find my oasis, I'm going places..

Destiny's plans not to hurt but to make me strong. Trying not to fumble my pass, I'm making it strong...BlOCKA! BLOCKA! Im shooting to the end zone!

Feeling my way but it's like I've traveled this route before. They say predestined before I was born. Nothing too far for my I'm not gone.

Nothing is impossible, please believe my touchdown is there for me to score. But I have to endure all this anguish and pain enough to make an individual insane..but not a case just beyond what "professionals" can name..

Yet could it be my hidden desire is only fortune and fame or does my individuality naturally call for it- traveling on this track I never chose this train.

Confusion racks my brain because no other lane tunneled visioned straight to the game. Mini successes lead the way.

My lil' voice hoping it's not a trick of the trade. Everybody to the left or the right have something to say. Either proceed or turn around run the other way.

The only thing left to do but to fall on my knees and pray. No one knows the end but God knows all about my fate.

So this can't be a mistake even though I'm yearning for a break. Even when I want to quit, Destiny has a way of returning before I could blink.

Or before I could sink in the depths of an abyss. There she goes again with a rope, giving me a lift. What a trip.

Just to start the fight over again. Makes me wonder if life can just give me a hand permanently extend..

I just gotta keep moving, even when my feet are too tired to stand, because I know I won't be able to live if I've failed according to what is planned. To fail is man's universal plight but I struggle to push the thought out of my mind.

Gotta keep the loose ends tight. So many distractions in my blind eye stop wasting time!
No matter how hard a try, I stumble then get back up. It's gotta be because of my mother's prayers pointing me to the light.

I've got to stay right so easy to travel left. Sometime running out of breath..curiosity anxiety fills my chest.

Looking back at all the memories no more feelings just painted pictures freeze..

My mechanism of surviving how to move forward with ease. What is this all about an everlasting lesson got my stressing.

NO relief im seeking a tall tree..I'm getting to the top I don't give a funk about the scraped knees..I don't care about trying to please religious one's to appease.

Releasing what I've been blessed with not the influence of Satan please!...Face the Funk I may be different but I was born to lead...

Yes I've fallen but I am still here I still the scars to prove it I know my past it ain't squeaky clean.

So as time flies by and I wonder why my peace of mind at times stagnant waiting for a break in the silver lines that separates me from the heavens and the blessings in the sky.

I know why my break hasn't come but I know it's in formation..Seasoning me for when I make it, so that I can flip it distribute it after "A1 steaking it". lol

My desire my passion..I see it therefore I am it. Don't be stunned.. just know my Faith, the basis for my rule of thumb...guiding me through the desert to find my oasis, I'm going places..
Just hoping when I get over to that side of land I can have my to speak

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