Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Out the Woodworks

So much passion and energy, an eruption on Dante's Peak about to explode I'm on overheat.
Casting a shadow over my enemies, bad luck is your fortune your cuts made me bleed...
But I'm not dead Im just finally..Im stronger now from the ground look up I continue to suceed.
Many didn't but I just had to believe...It's either up or down my definition of success I hold the key.
Is it fast cars, a big house, forever fresh and clean
Or is it pay the debt of my family Do I take up the cross for my homies on the streets
Make sure my nieces want for nothing, prepare for my unborn seeds.
Some say Im over my head thinking up to big a dream
Failure, my biggest fear I need a strong team.
We stick together "Death before Disloyalty"
but it's hard to find true ones in double the amount of phonies
To me no purpose in life is like a catastrophe
What you do on this Earth who you help before you leave
I pray to God I can give back somehow to my community, but its hard to smile with
frowns tryna block me. So I can't see.
Its a rough job but Destiny chose me, I already know I bear the cross of the unseen.
I feel broken hears so they can be pain free.
Maybe I should have a drink to numb the blows I would receive.
No matter how many curses or spells you try to throw on me, it will fall back to you twice as bad backfire on your scheme!

I'm not Christ no where close I am unclean but I know through his blood, he covers me

I should have been dead long time but just like a light beam...
He shed his light so bright don't know why he saved me.
So success in my stars that's my Destiny. Struggles and pain, they're not there to finish me
I've got a heart of steel and my vision's clear I am not yet out of steam
The pressure never dies and I yearn sleep from anxiety
My pulse forever rising my heart still ticking, no time to prop my feet
So I can't let the next one claim my seat,
Take everything, my future... this will not be my defeat
So I'll continue to rid the negative and plant the positive and always take that leap.

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