Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Saturday, June 11, 2011


Truth. The anecdote to what is false.
Many argue, it's back up by facts and/or a reliable source.
But what if it's based on faith, may not make sense at all.
No scientific explanation, doesn't necessarily mean it's false.
Truth. Within or without. Content in silence or proclaim it out loud.
Truth. A somewhat logical consistency--or a surprisingly believed farce.
A truth because of massive acceptance or unfortunate misconception.
A viable belief. A separation of a people causing permanent distinction.
Some are free to practice their truths, some locked away or abused.
Some exhilarated and in freedom, other in bondage because of truth.
A remedy to falsity.
A balance from falsehoods to its facts.
Without truth, clarity lacks.
But my truth isn't the same for Pat.
Fingers point left, right, front and back.
Calling out impostors names--blaming, "Who you calling Rat!"
A perpetual cycle, grab a hold truth with a tightened strap.
Ride the back of yours, someone else's is a trap...

Malika, the pen holder

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