Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Saturday, June 11, 2011


It no longer matters where my physical dwells
My inspiration is drawn from my internal soul
I don't know why I haven't thought of this before...
But the power I've always longer unknown.

From sun up to sun down, searching for understanding-
Learning to be aware that the soul needs to be searched first,
as your true purpose begins unraveling...
Knowledge and wisdom starts to quench your thirst.

Yes! Struggles, discomfort, fears--they're seasonings of a Queen so true.
And Sometimes the night crawls in, flesh crawls to bed, tears becomes a pillow,
Wondering if these cries God only hears....holding my breath for a miracle----
As my face turns blue and my mind becomes clear after stressing over issues so trivial.

As I call out to the mighty one, it seems as if I exist alone,
but truth be told I must hold on....
Through God and my true understanding of self,
The patches of uncertainty would soon become sewn.

I am not just existing..
But my potential will meet my destiny
Not just thoughts of encouragement but thoughts of the truth and believing..
This is my life, God has blessed me with I will not be defeated.

Yes! I am a free spirit yet my actions in training can be disciplined
Maturity understands this, builds character and strength
My mistakes and downfalls will not force me to retreat.
Only push me to search the truth and positivity

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