Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


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Monday, July 18, 2011

The Model Workshop

The Model Workshop

I've had the most A-MAAAAzing opportunity to attend this year's Ethnicity Model Management's Model Academy in New York City. There, I've learned so much pertaining to the do's and don'ts of the fashion and entertainment industries. This weekend consisted of guest celebrity speakers, mock auditions, a consultation, and a photoshoot. I must say, from what I've learned, I'm ready to tackle any and EVERYthing lol. I have to say a warm thanks to LaShawnna Stanley and the Ethnicity Talent family.

Day 1:
Melyssa Ford

Melyssa Ford is originally from Toronto, Canada and came to New York with a dollar and a dream. Well, not quite, it was actually a suitcase and $25. Now that's faith. You may have noticed her in calendars, hosting television shows, acting in film, as well as some of the biggest hip-hop videos of all time. Currently, Melyssa is a motivational speaker and is working on launching her non-profit organization, promoting literacy.

I have to say, it was a pleasure meeting her. Not only is she a model, but an entrepreneur. Melyssa's message was simple, it is "important to be flexible and cultivate your the craft respect." Do your own research! You cannot possibly excel in the profession of choice, if you do not study the nature of the business.

Reading is a tool that will broaden your sense of knowledge and direct you. I remember my elementary school's motto in Queens, "Education is the key, which unlocks the door, to guide us through life, forever more..." Education, not only meaning proper schooling in an acclaimed edifice (which is great), but you have to take part in educating yourself in LIFE. Many of us miss out on opportunities due to the lack of research. Melyssa said it best, be as a chameleon and "stick to your goals without sacrificing your values or goals." It is also important to trust your intuition. -- Something I'm personally learning to do more.

Ladies and gentlemen, lastly (but not least), confidence is key to anything you decide to do!
Self-Esteem is usually looked over but LaShawnna Stanley and Melyssa Ford made sure to accentuate this fact. However you feel on the inside is bound to show on the outside. We, as human beings, tend to be our biggest obstacle. You better grab Destiny by the ears and ride it like it's your last breath! Don't look back and #keepgoing.

LaShawnna Stanley referenced the following book:
Women & Self-Esteem
By: Linda Tschirhart Sanford and Mary Ellen Donovan

DAY 2:
Sasha Sydnor/ Liris Crosse
Day 2 of the workshop was just as good as the first. We had 2 guest speakers, Runway Model Sasha Sydnor and Model Liris Crosse. During this time, we also had mock auditions.  Lashawnna broke us, the model-students, into teams to perform actual audition scripts for BET's "The Game" and a Luster's Pink Original Lotion commercial. Being the character that I am, you know I had fun! lol. During that particular day, I knew that I really, genuinely enjoyed acting and performing. Look out because you will be seeing more of me!

Sasha Sydnor came into the vicinity with such a graceful presence. The first thing I noticed, was her confidence in herself. Sasha is nearly a 6 feet tall runway fashion model, hailing from Florida. She spoke about finding your inner you, your "inner God" and letting it shine. As a performer, whether it be a model, singer, dancer, or whatever you desire to do... you have to own it and trust yourself. Sasha explained that she didn't always have the fabulous runway walk that she owns now, but it took weeks and weeks of tenacious practice. If you do not believe in yourself, how are you going to convince other people to believe in you? Sasha than took the pleasure of correcting each of the student-models' walks. We all will now leave with a sense of what to do on the runway as well as how to come to an audition with confidence and professionalism.
Liris Crosse was the third speaker and she, like Melyssa, has graced many magazines, movies, hosted public events, and is also a motivational speaker. 

Liris' story is about a young woman who has had countless doors slammed in her face because of her voluptuous curves. Liris took it upon herself to research and market herself. This meant, waking up early in the morning and sending out numerous emails, visiting agency after agency and traveling from city to city. She was and still is a go-getter putting a one hundred and ten per cent into her career. Liris simply states, "I never gave up..." A small yet bold statement that encompasses the work that she's done. Liris is another example of building her own lane, when the lanes previously laid out did not fit her. Don't take NO as your final answer. Grab hold of your DESTINY!

Any aspiring actors/models, make sure to register with the following websites:

DAY 3:
This was the final day to impress the judges and apply what you've learned to your final product... your photos. To me, this was a dream come true... to shoot in midtown, Manhattan. I had a wonderful time, especially with the help of Samantha, one of the members of Ethnicity Talent, coaching the model-students along the way. I had an awesome team of make-up artists who "beautified" me and an awesome photographer to shoot me! Every girls dream right?! lol. Well, it's not as easy as it looks. With the right light, location, and pose, you have the ultimate masterpiece. 

During my experience, I've come to the conclusion that it was by the grace of God that I was able to meet such wonderful people. From the models to the staff to the students, I've learned a little more about myself, as well as others. I hope this is the beginning of life-long positive relationships that I had previously prayed for. I hope you have enjoyed reading this entry as much as I've enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy the photos!

Photographer: Andrew Fennell
Make-Up: Tamara Cooper and Giovanny Santana

Contact me:
Follow me on Twitter: @MissTiannah  
Ethnicity Talent Website: #006181 

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