Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Love Got Me

Love got my heart trembling with fire, surpassing any and all desires
Love got me dreaming of you, there's no end no retire
Love motivates me and cripples any thought of another,
I simply reserve that space cuz' I know you are the buyer.

Love got me dreaming of moons and planets of which I've never seen
Love got me crying tears of happiness, it will come if I believe
Love makes me want to do the unthinkable all for you babe,
I cherish you, the key player, we are the dream team.

Love got me fantasizing of what should be, could be, would be
Love got me overlooking mountains blocking what we should see
Love makes me want to color you in all the colors not yet imagined,
Your beautiful for who you are, you are the air that I must breathe.

Love is what I see every time I look at your face 
Love is what I feel when I hear your voice, I love what it creates.
Love runs through my very veins, I have all to give to you
Love was, love still is ... Love heals all because it exists so great.

Love is the core of my very soul
Love is what we each have buried deep, from birth it grows
Love is you and me as I dream of us growing old
Love makes me check every minute on my phone.

Love always brings me back to you
Love teaches me forgiveness and patience too
Love softens my rough edges, when it comes to you.
I just wish you knew it was you...

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