Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Charles Hamilton- In Case I Actually Get Her (W/ Lyrics)

Many of us have experience a time during immaturity of meeting perhaps our soul mates. Things happen and the two grows up to live complete separate lives. Only to realize later on that we could have and still may be "soul mates". I have to personally thank my friend for this one...

With this thought in mind, Charles Hamilton hit it straight on the nose. Say what you want but Charles Hamilton is definitely different from many of the talent out there in the Hip Hop World. Like him or dislike him you have no choice but to acknowledge his unique art. Below is an interview with a DJ - Dj Skee- February 13, 2009. Hamilton talks about what his mixtape is about and goes into depth about the, at the time, exclusive "Well Isn't This Awkward"...

"Well Isn't This Awkward"

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