Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Thursday, March 18, 2010


I WROTE THESE A LIL WHILE BACK, inspire by one of the most deadliest experiences I've had to endure, unfortunately, 2 summers ago.. but it basically sums up everything I have went through and you have seen in general.. I felt like these entries NEEDED TO RE-SURFACED!!!

Bullets tear through the innocent, remembering the words from the "God's Son".
Lead tearing through the air as it seperates the LIVING from the DEAD.
Burning flesh, smokey air, screams of distress, body still laying LIFELESS.
Over and over again, memories play in my mind, remembering the SENSELESS.

Thankful realizing I am blessed to escape the madness.
Thankful yet saddened because one was not too lucky, yet we stood breast to breast.
I CONFESS- elated it wasn't me, I had another chance before I'm LAYED to REST.
Disturbances so REAL, memories pumping extra beats in my chest.
So UNREAL, one minute enjoying life, the next dodging BULLETS.
People running in desperation, suddenly realizing LIFE is PRICELESS.

The panic suddenly dies to a deafening silence.
RAT TAT TAT!! There it goes again!
Look over my shoulder- dread got shot in the head...
As he falls to the ground in his own bloody mess, I wonder Y he must suffer a crime so ruthless.
SENSELESS, gun fights, there goes a son, daughter CAUGHT IN THE NECK.
Can't see the world, explore their POTENTIAL, they've already taken their last breath.

This burdens me to the fullest and had brought me to tears of distress.
This cannot be the reality we've settled to POSSESS.
My anger emits from fear of never-ending cycles needed to be suppressed.

We hold the POWER to change lives, we are responsible until our DEATH.
NO ONE will do it for us, these issues we must ADDRESS.
But who cares, WHO CARES?!?!?! WHO COULD CARE LESS!

Why do we turn our heads, look to him or her to make a MOVE NEXT?
Our motto is now change! UNITY, LOVE will mend us best.
I know it's not easy but I don't know of easy tests.
We have to come together......R.I.P. PASTENCE.....

Part II.

Aren't you sick of the violence?
No change in the tenses.
Still walking in the past, no new stride for the present.
Dealing with the strife, no hope for the future.
A few realize, building foundation will bring change sooner.

Truer--we owe it to ourselves.
We have power, grab ahold Satan's hands--let it looser.
His tight grip confuses eyes, his lying tongue ruins lives.
He has no power like the God in us, no matter how much he tries.
Fight it harder, or there will be no more you and I.

When there's an urge to destroy each other, We'll be forever lost in sight.
This is our opportunity, join together...
The outcome is worth the trials.
We will no longer by blinded by the past,
Just to move on marching towards the light.

Our pain will be our joy.
You can't have the left without the right.
No beginning without the end.
After death there is life.
This is my answer to what I've written.
A cry from all those tragic nights.
No more will we stand by--
The young dying from guns and knives..

Malika, the Queen

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