Always In Deep Thought...

Always In Deep Thought...
New York Born & Raised
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.


Blog Archive


Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Ok so as you all know Ricky Martin recently came out of the closet. I'm sure that you and I both would agree that Ricky had a little more shake in his rump than usual. I wonder if life would just be easier for these entertainers/ celebrities if they were just truthful from the start.  You know the saying, "The Truth Shall Set You Free". Consider those that look up to you for support and inspiration. Although, it may not be any of the public's business... just know that when you are in the public eye, your personal life is on blast. Plain and simple. Although there has been positive reactions to Ricky Martin's "secret", are all these Entertainers/ Celebrities' lifestyles a sham, in some way or another, for the sake of sales?? You be the judge. As Egypt would say, "Handle Your Scandal!".  I wish Ricky Martin the best and I will forever dance to "Living La Vida Loca!". lol. You know you want to shake to it too!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A lil Eye Sexy but Classy

Ludacris and Foxx team up to raise Aids awareness

Both Ludacris and Foxx will use their and pages to promote the cause and convince their fans to join up, as well as recording radio and online announcements about the crusade.

Monday, March 22, 2010
Rapper Ludacris has teamed up with actor Jamie Foxx to help raise awareness of HIV and AIDS - by encouraging youngsters to discuss the disease.

The duo is taking part in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's I Know campaign, which uses social networking sites to convince African-Americans aged 18 to 24 to discuss the virus.

Both Ludacris and Foxx will use their and pages to promote the cause and convince their fans to join up, as well as recording radio and online announcements about the crusade.

In one public service announcement, Ludacris says, "HIV isn't his problem or her problem. It's all of our problem. The facts are clear. African-Americans, especially young people, are being devastated by HIV and AIDS. But there is something we can all do about it. We can and must talk about HIV. So break the silence by having a conversation. Send a text. Update your status. Post this video. Talk about HIV and what we can do to prevent it."

Photo Copyright Getty Images

Copyright World Entertainment News Network 2009


So we all know that AIDS is a serious thing. That virus that gives everyone the chills and running to their closets.... According to the CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Black/African Americans were accounted for as being infected with the AIDS Virus in all areas of the U.S. except for the West. In the West, Whites were accounted for as the majority. If this is not surprising, check it out the numbers!!

AIDS Diagnoses in 2007 by Region

To see by Race in different regions go to this website:


On the real, don't have sex!! Practice yea right. Although this is no laughing matter, this is actually the safest way to protect yourselves. Now realistically, if this is not one of your options, the best is to use condoms! Both female and male. Don't be fooled, you can contract the virus by oral sex as well! Be smart, be safe. A few minutes of pleasure is not worth a whole life of pain!


Yes everyone should get tested, especially if you are currently sexually active! Be aware that if you take the test once, another one should be followed about 3 months after being exposed. This is called the window period, where antibodies that were hidden before may become present. This will truly detect if you have the virus or not.


You can ask your health care provider about getting tested, or, for information on where to find an HIV testing site, visit the National HIV Testing Resources Web site at http://www.hivtest.orgLink to non-CDC web site or call CDC-INFO 24 Hours/Day at 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636), 1-888-232-6348 (TTY), in English, en EspaƱol.

Monday, March 22, 2010

House Passes Health Care Bill on 219-212 Vote

So our world has changed dramatically, and continues to change since from about 9 years ago dating back to 9/11/01.

Now we have the beginning of a reformed health care system in the midst of a bad economy, two wars, and history taking a turn for the worst as far as fighting racial issues in this country. Just so that you know, the health reform bill was passed yesterday in a 219-212 vote after more than a year of a tumultuous partisan debate. All 178 Republicans opposed it, as well as 34 Democrats. Where do you stand with this new bill? Are you pulling a ya or nay?

I've had this debate with many of my friends and I find that my circle is split down the middle of either supporting or opposing the bill. Keep in mind that the current health care system is far from perfect, which I don't think any system is perfect. I mean if you have Medicaid, Medicare, or another government funded health insurance, you'll find that they do not cover a lot of health costs and you may experience a lot of denials. Or if you have a private insurer, you may experience them charging you literally out of your a#@. Not to mention, the very insurance companies put into place to help those in need, are monopolizing off of the public's' money.

Some argue that this bill will not decrease the national debt and will increase government spending of tax dollars, further burdening, as you know it, "We The People". Which, in return, comes in full circle further leaving the poor even more dependent and using the government as a permanent crutch. Isn't this bill suppose to provide the middle ground for the two extremities? Creating a more affordable health insurance for everyone, while providing better health care for the majority, without affecting those who currently pays for premium insurance plans?? Do you think it's fair to impose such a burden on those making a certain income to pay for the funding of this new plan??? You make your decision. Below are websites and important facts about this bill.. Tell me what you think..Whether you care or not, YOU ARE BEING AFFECTED! Be smart, get involved, know what is about to change YOUR LIFE!

 **CBO: Congressional Budget Office (Nonpartisan)
"The plan, according to CBO projections, will cut budget deficits by over $1 trillion in its second decade.

It will subsidize insurance for a family of four making up to roughly $88,000 annually, or 400 percent of the federal poverty level.

It also creates a series of health insurance exchanges designed to make it easier for small businesses, the self-employed and the unemployed to pool resources and purchase less expensive coverage.

Medicaid will be significantly expanded, ensuring coverage to those earning up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or just over $29,000 for a family of four.

The bill cuts projected Medicare spending by roughly $500 billion, in part through reductions in the Medicare Advantage program. Democratic leaders have promised the reductions will not affect service to Medicare recipients.

The bill hikes Medicare payroll takes on families making more than $250,000. Starting in 2013, it also imposes a 40 percent tax on insurance companies providing expensive "Cadillac" health plans valued at more than $8,500 for individuals and $23,000 for families."

Guess Who Has the Highest Medical Claim Rejection Rate?

Friday, March 19, 2010

What's In for Spring: Boyfriend Jeans Part II

OK OK GUYS, I am finally posting a pic of my example of how to wear boyfriend I had promised. Be bold and have confidence when you rock your pair! Remember don't be afraid to push the limits and make a statement! Enjoy...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wendy Williams Show with Laurie Feltheimer

Wendy William's Show (9/24/09): "Hollywood Looks For Less" Model: Tiannah Bruce   

Kerri Furey Interviews Tiannah Bruce

Kerri Furey, of FOX 43, interviews Tiannah Bruce on modeling on the Wendy Williams Show. (9/24/09). Thank God for again looking out for me!! Everything is Divine.. Thanks again Tom!!!  

MY FIRST VIDEO CAMEO.... "I Gottem' Goinn Inn" Dout Gotcha Feat. Jack Of Spade

I'm the girl on the couch to the far left, with the big and in other random places like 1:19

Beamer, Benz, or Bently Lloyd Banks feat. Juelz Santana

This is what's hot in NY right now...

What's In for Spring 2010: Boyfriend Jeans

What's In for Spring 2010??

Well, for those who are tired of wearing your boyfriend's jeans (even though that is questionable if 
you did wear them), Levi's, Express, and other name brands have come up with the "Boyfriend 
Jeans" for women. I cop'd a pair myself and I must say they are very comfortable, loose, and 
trendy. They are a casual style which you can wear low on your hips and imitate the "skate-board 
look" minus the skinny leg trend. The pair above are Levi's button-fly 501® Original Jean and are 
"perfectly straight through the seat, thigh and leg." So stop wearing your man's jeans and get a 
pair of these! lol. Then top if off with a sexy, sheek top and some pumps. Nothing sexier than that!  

I will post a pair of my Levi's boyfriend jeans when I get stay tuned!!

Do You Think I Should Call It DESTINY???

As time flies by I'm wondering why my peace of mind, stagnant waiting for a break in the silver lines that separates me from the heavens and the blessings in the sky.

I'm wondering why my break hasn't come but I know it's in formation..Faith, the basis for my rule of thumb...guiding me through the desert to find my oasis, I'm going places..

Destiny's plans not to hurt but to make me strong. Trying not to fumble my pass, I'm making it strong...BlOCKA! BLOCKA! Im shooting to the end zone!

Feeling my way but it's like I've traveled this route before. They say predestined before I was born. Nothing too far for my I'm not gone.

Nothing is impossible, please believe my touchdown is there for me to score. But I have to endure all this anguish and pain enough to make an individual insane..but not a case just beyond what "professionals" can name..

Yet could it be my hidden desire is only fortune and fame or does my individuality naturally call for it- traveling on this track I never chose this train.

Confusion racks my brain because no other lane tunneled visioned straight to the game. Mini successes lead the way.

My lil' voice hoping it's not a trick of the trade. Everybody to the left or the right have something to say. Either proceed or turn around run the other way.

The only thing left to do but to fall on my knees and pray. No one knows the end but God knows all about my fate.

So this can't be a mistake even though I'm yearning for a break. Even when I want to quit, Destiny has a way of returning before I could blink.

Or before I could sink in the depths of an abyss. There she goes again with a rope, giving me a lift. What a trip.

Just to start the fight over again. Makes me wonder if life can just give me a hand permanently extend..

I just gotta keep moving, even when my feet are too tired to stand, because I know I won't be able to live if I've failed according to what is planned. To fail is man's universal plight but I struggle to push the thought out of my mind.

Gotta keep the loose ends tight. So many distractions in my blind eye stop wasting time!
No matter how hard a try, I stumble then get back up. It's gotta be because of my mother's prayers pointing me to the light.

I've got to stay right so easy to travel left. Sometime running out of breath..curiosity anxiety fills my chest.

Looking back at all the memories no more feelings just painted pictures freeze..

My mechanism of surviving how to move forward with ease. What is this all about an everlasting lesson got my stressing.

NO relief im seeking a tall tree..I'm getting to the top I don't give a funk about the scraped knees..I don't care about trying to please religious one's to appease.

Releasing what I've been blessed with not the influence of Satan please!...Face the Funk I may be different but I was born to lead...

Yes I've fallen but I am still here I still the scars to prove it I know my past it ain't squeaky clean.

So as time flies by and I wonder why my peace of mind at times stagnant waiting for a break in the silver lines that separates me from the heavens and the blessings in the sky.

I know why my break hasn't come but I know it's in formation..Seasoning me for when I make it, so that I can flip it distribute it after "A1 steaking it". lol

My desire my passion..I see it therefore I am it. Don't be stunned.. just know my Faith, the basis for my rule of thumb...guiding me through the desert to find my oasis, I'm going places..
Just hoping when I get over to that side of land I can have my to speak



the death of a heartbeat

when each string popped, I can't sing

just close my eyes and reminisce

of all the times I thought you were mine

naive of me thinking that I could believe

that you'll be different than the others it just seems...

so unreal that you can turn a 360

when you wanted me to take your word,

just take any that you've offered like a fiend

you were supposed to be the pie and I- your topping, your cream

turns out I was just the moment or your time being

baby don't lie to me, these games same song, new notes, different sheet

only now I no longer have music within me

because instead you've taken the only note and

shredded it like a damaged reed

so what was it? not pretty enough, woman enough, human enough...

I can't help but to be just me

taken for granted, I wish you can take my eyes so that you can see

the pain in my heart, my ears so you can hear the death of a heartbeat.


I WROTE THESE A LIL WHILE BACK, inspire by one of the most deadliest experiences I've had to endure, unfortunately, 2 summers ago.. but it basically sums up everything I have went through and you have seen in general.. I felt like these entries NEEDED TO RE-SURFACED!!!

Bullets tear through the innocent, remembering the words from the "God's Son".
Lead tearing through the air as it seperates the LIVING from the DEAD.
Burning flesh, smokey air, screams of distress, body still laying LIFELESS.
Over and over again, memories play in my mind, remembering the SENSELESS.

Thankful realizing I am blessed to escape the madness.
Thankful yet saddened because one was not too lucky, yet we stood breast to breast.
I CONFESS- elated it wasn't me, I had another chance before I'm LAYED to REST.
Disturbances so REAL, memories pumping extra beats in my chest.
So UNREAL, one minute enjoying life, the next dodging BULLETS.
People running in desperation, suddenly realizing LIFE is PRICELESS.

The panic suddenly dies to a deafening silence.
RAT TAT TAT!! There it goes again!
Look over my shoulder- dread got shot in the head...
As he falls to the ground in his own bloody mess, I wonder Y he must suffer a crime so ruthless.
SENSELESS, gun fights, there goes a son, daughter CAUGHT IN THE NECK.
Can't see the world, explore their POTENTIAL, they've already taken their last breath.

This burdens me to the fullest and had brought me to tears of distress.
This cannot be the reality we've settled to POSSESS.
My anger emits from fear of never-ending cycles needed to be suppressed.

We hold the POWER to change lives, we are responsible until our DEATH.
NO ONE will do it for us, these issues we must ADDRESS.
But who cares, WHO CARES?!?!?! WHO COULD CARE LESS!

Why do we turn our heads, look to him or her to make a MOVE NEXT?
Our motto is now change! UNITY, LOVE will mend us best.
I know it's not easy but I don't know of easy tests.
We have to come together......R.I.P. PASTENCE.....

Part II.

Aren't you sick of the violence?
No change in the tenses.
Still walking in the past, no new stride for the present.
Dealing with the strife, no hope for the future.
A few realize, building foundation will bring change sooner.

Truer--we owe it to ourselves.
We have power, grab ahold Satan's hands--let it looser.
His tight grip confuses eyes, his lying tongue ruins lives.
He has no power like the God in us, no matter how much he tries.
Fight it harder, or there will be no more you and I.

When there's an urge to destroy each other, We'll be forever lost in sight.
This is our opportunity, join together...
The outcome is worth the trials.
We will no longer by blinded by the past,
Just to move on marching towards the light.

Our pain will be our joy.
You can't have the left without the right.
No beginning without the end.
After death there is life.
This is my answer to what I've written.
A cry from all those tragic nights.
No more will we stand by--
The young dying from guns and knives..

Malika, the Queen

Local HIV/AIDS Play Aims to Educate Teens

Local HIV/AIDS play aims to educate teens
Local HIV/AIDS play aims to educate teens
Posted to: Entertainment Norfolk The Arts


Want to go?
What “No One’s Talking: Speak Now”
When 1 and 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, at Chrysler Museum of Art, 245 W. Olney Road., Norfolk
Cost $15 in advance, $20 day of show
Info or to support 338-5796 or

By Cherise M. Newsome
The Virginian-Pilot
© July 28, 2009
By Cherise M. Newsome

The Virginian-Pilot

On a recent hot summer Saturday, about a dozen youngsters sat under a shady tree rehearsing lines for an upcoming play about teens and HIV/AIDS. A misunderstanding had left them locked out of a recreation center. But the cast was determined to practice so they set up on a Berkley lawn.

As they sipped water and rehearsed scenes, Saran Day, who wrote the play a couple of years ago and is directing it, told the actors to project their voices, face the audience and let their emotions flow. But they still seemed stiff. Perhaps it was the heat. So Day made them drop their scripts.

"Ad lib," she said. "That's a key component to plays."

Then the actors became more animated, portraying students and faculty of the fictitious Crossroads High School as they grapple with the consequences of teen sex and HIV.

Having young people talk to fellow teens about the importance of HIV and AIDS

awareness is the idea behind the play titled "No One's Talking: Speak Now," which opens Saturday in the theater inside Chrysler Museum of Art.

Proceeds will help fund AIDS education and testing resources.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of new HIV infections is highest among young people ages 13-29.

Based on a report released by the Virginia Department of Health earlier this year, about 21,000 Virginians have HIV or AIDS, about one out of every 370 people in the state.

Instead of having an adult lecture from a podium about the dos and don'ts of teen sex, Day - director of a Portsmouth-based advocacy group for teenagers called Youth Against Drugs and Diseases - figured it would be more effective to have informed teenagers educate peers about sexual health, the dangers of unprotected sex and the importance of knowledge about AIDS.

Courtney Greer, a rising senior at Booker T. Washington High School and the play's lead protagonist, agreed.

"It's a psychological thing because you feel like they understand you, and you understand them because you're the same age," said Greer, 17, who portrays Samaya, a teen who has been exposed to HIV after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend, Thad.

Still, parental involvement is important, said Day, a wife and mother of six in Portsmouth's Prentis Park. "Kids are having consensual sex," said Day. "That's the time to start communicating what's appropriate and what's not." She encourages parents to discuss sex with their children when they reach puberty.

But, she said, many of the students she encounters say their parents either don't discuss sex or are so uncomfortable doing so that the conversations are awkward and uninformative. Youngsters end up placing themselves and others at risk, she said.

Day, 36, illustrated that point with a story about a student who had contracted AIDS from her mother, but the mom never told the child. By the time the student discovered she had the disease, she had already been sexually active with several partners. And it's not just heterosexual students who need to know about the dangers of HIV/AIDS.

"The young [gay] guys are already shunned so they don't like to talk about it," Day said. "And I know girls who are lesbian who think they can't get it." Her play depicts realistic teen situations so that the message hits home.

"It gets them thinking, 'It can happen to me,' and to pay attention," said 18-year-old Dominic Meece. He plays Kado, a hybrid of himself and a friend to Thad, the leading male who has AIDS.

Milvene Thompson, who plays Thad's grandmother, said education and smart sexual behaviors can limit the disease's spread.

Thompson, a mother of three and a nurse's assistant, said she always talked to her kids about sex and diseases as they were growing up.

"When you get a sexual partner, you should know their sexual history, if they've had a check up, if they've had an HIV test," said the Cavalier Manor resident. "You need condoms or something to protect yourself, although the best way is to abstain."

Cherise M. Newsome, 446-2358,
Tiannah Bruce of Norfolk plays an HIV infected mother who passes the disease on to her child in ''No One’s Talking: Speak Now.'' (Thomas Slusser | Special to The Virginian-Pilot)

VIRGINIA PILOT NEWSPAPER: Tall odds don't deter aspiring 'Top Models'

By Kathy Adams

The Virginian-Pilot


Brittany Wilhelm had always dreamed of becoming a supermodel, but her height cut that dream short.

That was until Saturday, when the 5-foot, 4-inch student from Charlotte, N.C., lined up with hundreds of other women at The Gallery at Military Circle hoping to become "America's Next Top Model." For the first time in 13 seasons , the hit reality TV show lowered its height requirement, inviting women 5 feet, 7 inches tall or shorter to audition.

The response was tremendous, drawing the largest turnout of any casting call so far, said Chris Wolf , director of creative services and programs for The CW Television Network, which hosts the show.

"It's the biggest line we've had," Wolf said, as he took a break from yelling out directions on an air horn outside the mall. More than 1,000 applications were downloaded for the tryout here, he said.

The line of hundreds had already snaked around the outside of the building by the time the auditions began at noon, with women waiting as long as four hours in stiletto shoes, fitted jeans and miniskirts.

Despite standing for nearly four hours in three-inch heels, Tiannah Bruce, 23, said her feet were her last concern.

"I'm mostly excited, and I have a lot of anxiety," said Bruce, of Norfolk, who works as a digital technician at a local news station.

Lowering the height requirement is a great move for the fashion industry, which has received a lot of criticism for promoting unhealthy body images, Bruce added.

"This represents more young women who want to be models," she said.

Wilhelm, 20, a student at Johnson & Wales University in North Carolina, started driving at 2 a.m. in order to reach the tryout in time. When she finally made it to the front of the line around 12:30 p.m., a cameraman directed her to show off her best cat walk and then record a message for supermodel Tyra Banks , the show's creator and executive producer .

"I'm spunky and energetic ... and I have a lot of class," Wilhelm told Banks, before breaking into a cheer she choreographed for the audition.

I'm "your next top model," she cheered, "who can't be stopped!"

Wilhelm's tape and application package, along with those of the other women, will travel to California and be reviewed by the "Top Model" producers, Wolf said.

The show is scheduled to film in the spring or summer and air this fall, he said. The winner will receive a modeling contract and other prizes.

Even if she doesn't make the cut, Wilhelm said, she was happy to have had the chance to try.

"I have always had a really big passion for modeling; my mom was a model," she said. "But I was always told I was too short, I couldn't do it, it was a waste of my time to try. And now I'm ready to prove everyone wrong."

Kathy Adams, (757) 222-5155,

shorter candidates

"America's Next Top Model" lowered its height requirement to include shorter women. The result: The largest turnout in the TV show's history as hundreds of women flooded The Gallery at Military Circle in Norfolk.
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